Improved from the previous series, this is the best Splinter Cell experience I had!

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory PC
For Splinter Cell fans, perhaps the first thing you'd appreciate is the gorgeous graphics right in the first campaign scene. With an obviously improved lighting system, visuals are more dynamic, and in a way, immerse you into Sam Fisher's world more readily. The music has much more edge and character over the previous two installments, which really heightens the game into a theatrical experience.

One really great feature in this game is the interrogation function, because you can almost everytime get a good laugh or at least spot a smile when you listen to the enemies' corny dialogue. Their pathetic pleas to you have a 'loser' mentality so well-written you'd feel sorry for them and encourages you to sneak up on enemies rather than killing them just to find out what they have to say.

The controls are the same, well-designed and responsive, with a few new moves for Sam, though the old favorites (sneak behind and 'grab character') are still the mainstay for most fans I'd say. For the level design, Seoul is the best mission I've played so far, mixing the usual espionage with a little urban warfare and... not to spoil, get to use the grenades for a greater cause.

Chaos Theory is my best Splinter Cell game to date and it's great for newcomers too, since the story linkage don't really interfere with the gameplay. Thumbs up!
