As a stand-alone game, this installment rocks. Who cares if it's similar to its predecessor? That's a good thing!

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is supposedly very similar to the original game, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas. I haven't played the original, so I can't verify that. What I can verify is that this game is fun.

A tactical shooter set in Las Vegas, the game puts you in the boots of the commander of a counter-terrorism team. You and three computers (or two computers, if a friend joins in co-op) will make your way through an urban labyrinth of alleys, casinos, gardens, and more. Standing in your way are various terrorist grunts who can be dispatched in awesome ways, whether it be with a shotgun blast to the face or a block of c4 to the everything. The enemy AI isn't always smart, but its smart enough to be challenging when mixed with fun obectives.

The story, for the most part, is a swing and a miss. The game is able to rise above that fault, though, and thrives on pure de shootout fun.

Throughout the game, you have the opportunity customize your guns (with sights and silencers) and your armor (with accessories and camo-patterns). Killing enemies gets you experience, which feeds you more stuff. Because you will be constantly diving for cover, you will get to see your cool outfits and swell guns in action. The customization is a really fun extra in the game. This robust customization system also meshes well with the multiplayer.

In one multiplayer mode, Terrorist Hunt, you can join a group of other players and neutralize a bunch of terrorists in an area. Terrorist Hunt can be difficult if you have a foolish teammate, though, and this stresses how important teamwork is. Its best (if you are alone or have one other person with you) to just bunker up, make some noise, and wait for the terrorist to investigate.

The second multiplayer mode is Versus. Versus allows you to fight against other players, on teams or alone, and complete various objectives. Versus is great if you want to show your killa skills and your glorious armor.

All in all, its enjoyable gameplay, excellent customization, and great multiplayer mark Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 as a great tactical FPS.