I know it might sound bad but when you finish the game and play the multiplayer mode you feel something is missing

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 PC
The game is... good enough i think the fact that you can customize your character through the hole game was interesting and the fact that the weapons can be changed for each situation is nice. The squad system is well implemented once you get used to the controls and the AI is a real challenge. The speed of the game can be the way you want it to be, slow fast or neither XD.
The problems... i have never seen a difference in resistance when i use armor in either dificulty i only feel slower wich in this case can be a bad thing if you consider that you have to move from cover to cover as fast as you can. The weapons -sigh- that was a really big disapointment i mean over 100 diferent weapons and in the end all of them you feel them alike no difference except maybe in damage for example the P-90 that is one of my favorites in any FPS in this one was just horrible. Even if you made a headshot in easy you wouldnt kill your target!!! those issues are minor yes but in multiplayer everyone uses the same weps and the fact that for any sniper except for one that you cant take the silencer away in that weapon all of the others are as noisy as hell and thats just annoying even for the psg-1 the lightest of them all and one that i know has a silence supressor and the fact that other weapons have silencer and some of those dont actually have break the reality feeling (yes yes i know is just a small issue but im just pointing the problems here after all its suposed to be realistic) The worst part was... no knife?!! WTF!! its suposed to be a Spec Ops operation a knife kill is a silent kill at least a melee attack with the weapon you have equiped and yes you miss it a lot of times or at least i did.
The multiplayer mode is different in some ways its not just killing here and there you actually need some strategy if you want to survive and if you are smart enough you can take out 20 by being just yourself