The perfect game! A 1st person tactical shooter inspired of a book from the greatest writer of all time, Tom Clancy!

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 PC
This tactical shooter has everything a good video game need :A good scenario, a great gameplay mechanic, character customization, difficulty and a lot of action! The biggest problem of this game is the AI: your allies are never following you and need a constant command if you want them to be effective in combat. The graphics are respectable for the time but I expected better, honestly. Another problem was the personality of every character in the game: they are boring. In a good video game there is a badass, funny, sad or stupid hero, but Bishop (Your character) is nothing more than ''Open this door'' or ''Pitch a grenade''. Except for the AI, the graphics and the character personality that is the greatest game I've ever played! Thank you for reading this review!


p.s: This review is based on my own opinion