Grainy graphics and juvenile appeal make this game a absolute disaster.

User Rating: 1 | Tom and Jerry Tales DS
Some kid gave me this game. I said "OK" and took it, thinking it would be a fun distraction to play with until I would get Wario Master of Disguise months later. Turns out this game is a disaster disguised as a cute little platformer. The box may be colorful and cartoony, but the graphics in the game itself are bland, boring, and grainy. Looking at screenshots of the upcoming Zelda DS game "Phantom Hourglass" made me think of this game. Grainy graphics are a detail I hate. The better the graphics, the better the game is (for me.) The game's touch control is vaguely interesting, and the game has only one mode, and the level design is repetetive. You just run through the house and spring traps to catch Tom with. I like Tom more than Jerry, and the game is called "TOM and Jerry Tales", so why do you have to play as Jerry? The whole game is trashy. If you somehow get this game, use it as a coaster or something. Just don't play it.