Revolucionary in a Bunch of Aspects

User Rating: 9 | Titanfall XONE

Titanfall needs to be reviewed as how it cames to offer as an objective, it confuses you as a reviewer by the multiplayer only aspect, we all review games and give some special atention for the history and the campaign of the game, technical stuffs like Engine, Graphics, Gameplay and others is just some aspects that need to follow the quality of the history and campaign of the game.

The niciest aspect in Titanfall in a campaing in the multiplayer mode, you're the principal character, you have an auxiliar character witch will helps you (controlled by computer) and the online players are just the troops witch supports you, but each online player is recieving the image that he's the main character, with confuses you a little bit, but is an incredible experience. The history of Titanfall is just... outstandig, so well build and well telled that marks you and by this reason is an outstanding history, the chronology is well build to, despite that it is a 4 hour campaign, it stills a great campaing.

Let's move to the focus of the game, the Multiplayer mode, you need some diferencials to scape from games like Battleifeld and Call of Duty, and Titanfall do it kicking asses, the conection of the game is perfect, the fluency, the gameplay, engine, speed, how everything works in the combat... it's pretty exciting. Levels design is ok, the quantity of maps is suficient to avoid sameness.

There are some wek aspects, the shot campaign, definitely the absence of a single player mode isn't a problem, you'll not miss it. Sometimes the combat is a bit repetitive, and you know exactly what to do in some moments. You may get confused sometimes by how many things is happening in some specific moments, but in my opinion it's just case of getting usual with the game, and then this ceases to be a problem.


Titanfall is a great FPS game witch shows that Microsoft always has some real masterpieces in the FPS genre, it disappoints in a bit aspects, but still a great game.