With it's innacurate control scheme, mediocre graphics and more, this is by far the worst tiger woods game in the series

User Rating: 5.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 WII
Really, this tiger woods game is really just bad. I don't want to say much, so, tiger woods is just a mediocre attempt at making you feel like your golfing with the wii remote. Simply, the game has only little value: only if you love the tiger woods franchise should you buy this. Tiger woods is a bad series of the boringist sport ever any way. Tiger woods PGA tour 2007 gets a 5.5 of of 10 for me. Oh, and it wins guitarherolover's hatred award, meaning it sucks. Please the developer of the game, don't make ANY MORE tiger woods games, if you know they WILL suck. Besides, who really thinks golf is even a fair sport?