Thor really shouldn't be this boring..

User Rating: 4 | Thor: God of Thunder X360

I know I know - what should we expect from a movie/superhero game right?
Well sometimes, just sometimes they can turn out to be great. Unfortunately folks, this is not one of those times.

Thor: God of Thunder is a repetitive, bland and a lazily designed game.

Initially what led me to the game were the grapple moves, and climbing on bosses (which is not a QTE, I hate QTE's) - which looked cool... And it is. The grapple moves and boss encounters offer moments of fun and serve as the high points of this game. However, thats about it - its all down hill from here.

Unforunately, for anyone willing to ignore good sense and purchase this game, will find any fun that can be had is weighed under a heavy load of tedium. The environments are mega dull and the level design is wholey uninspired and absolutely generic. Navigating the God of Thunder through these linear, boring and unexciting levels is a chore. It's like the developers couldn't be bothered.

The combat on the other hand is not so bad. However, after a couple of hours of play you realise it's not that great either, which is to say, its not nearly interesting enough to justify or overlook everything else in this game that absolutely sucks.

One of the most curious omissions is the lack of a lock-on feature? You end up having to run away or around your enemies, which looks stupid. Also Thor runs everywhere, there is no walk? Of course Thor has no time to walk - hes a Super Hero!

The upgrade system is another disappointment - you mainly only improve the moves you have already, making them more powerful but not particularly more exciting, with the exception of the lightning which is pretty cool once maxed out. However, theres hardly any actual new moves that add to your melee attacks.

The final nail in the coffin has to be as mentioned above - the design and structure of the game. Typically you will make your way though the level only to be suddenly fenced in by the game and have to face off against endless waves of enemies.. These moments happen frequently throughout the game and be warned, they go on and on and seem to stretch out into eternity! Maybe this is what eternity feels like - fighting wave after wave of ice trolls...?
Nevertheless, if you are unlucky enough to die, then you will have to do it all again, thanks to a lack of checkpoints this game has!
Whats more is that you cant help but feel these moments (shamelessly) serve only to add length to this boring game. But in doing so totally suck the life out of any kind of enjoyment that could be had from the combat.

Which leaves you with 10hrs of dishing out the pain to hordes of Asgardian scum through bland poorly designed levels and unfortunately endless repetition... And pounding on floating ice creatures really isnt that satisfying.

In the end Thor manages to continue the long tradition 'movie games' are known for. Its not the worst game in the world, but it just aint worth your money.

If you're desperate to try this game for yourself and you're the kind of person that ignores reviews - because lets face it, they're not always right, and taste is a subjective thing - then I suggest you... Rent it first.

Everyone else steer clear, theres better games out there.