Blitzkrieg on cocaine. Huge maps and accuracy that borders on maddening. A must have for tactical generals.

User Rating: 8.5 | Theatre of War PC
Take a familiar set up presented in Blitzkrieg and its successor, a unit detachment built up as you please over a successive amount of missions and thrust that detachment directly into World War II. The object is to survive long enough to accomplish the missions and with enough fighting strength left over to fight the next mission. Just like in real life, your combat losses are replaced with fresh conscripts, men who haven't fired a weapon before or been in the chaos of combat.

Add to this familiarity a larger map, covering kilometers and making everything in it destructible. Myriad maps filled with lush vegetation or stark white plains of snow with scattered brown trees. More buildings making villages larger and more complex, and not as repetitive as the previous attempts.

Then we get to the detail to accuracy. Each shot calculated and accounted for, you shoot at a tank and miss? It has to land somewhere, and it is common to see two tanks in a gun battle denude the trees around them fighting it out, that will teach you for not training your gunner better. What about those pesky hits on a tank that don't kill it? Zoom in and watch pieces and parts fly off the tank, damage is damage, but the key is, does the round you just shot penetrate the armor?

And then there is morale. The newer the troops the more likely they are to throw caution to the wind and head for the hills. Yes, it is frustrating to watch a man in a trench under fire panic because bullets are streaming overhead and then watch him get out of the trench and run away, all the while every single enemy rifle suddenly points at the easy target...and he makes it across the hundred meters to cover!

Every aspect is covered, every angle considered. This is war. It isn't pretty, but it is very dirty. Prepare to dig in and get your hands dirty.