The game tries to break the barrier of your normal RPG and it does it surprisingly well.

User Rating: 9.5 | Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's A Wonderful World DS
How should we start? The World Ends With You is a really fast-paced action RPG with a great story which will keep you wanting to know more and more.

The thing about TWEWY is that it will always bring something new, so it will never look repetitive, that's right, the combat at first it will feel fairly repetitive having you use a small amount of pins which could be translated as the weapons of the game; later on things will change bringing new stuff to the combat.

Another thing we could say about combat is that it requires you to play with both screens at the same time increasing the difficulty a lot since both players share the same HP and it's really hard to concentrate on both of the screens, luckily the top scren can be CPU controlled but this has it downfall, the AI isn't particularly good which will bring you problems in the boss battles, but once you get the hang of it, it should be easier to play, and by far more entertaining.

As in all of the RPG's the characters are very important, and this game is not an exception, the good thing is that all of the characters are like-able, from the sarcastic Neku Sakuraba to the Math addict Sho Minamimoto, whatever your personality is you'll find a character to which you can relate.

To wrap it all up, even if you're not a big fan of RPG's, there something about TWEWY that will make you want to keep playing it even after you finished the game.