The Witcher is built on a good story but the game itself is, at times, horrendous.

User Rating: 6 | The Witcher: Enhanced Edition PC
The Witcher is a continuation of the story of Geralt of Rivia, a protagonist of a Polish novel series. Geralt is a witcher and witchers are people who received special training and modifications of the body to become experts of hunting dangerous monsters. These modifications render the people sterile and a loss of human emotions. Geralt is one of the best witchers in the world and was able to undergo an extensive and extreme body modification that left him pale. He is the son of a witch who abandoned him. The story and world are compelling but the game itself is overhyped. The combat system is by far the worst I have ever encountered in an RPG or Action game besides maybe that Superman game for N64. The graphics are nothing special, yet there is a terrible frame rate issue that is ubiquitous with all computers despite how powerful your system can be. The cause of this is the clunky engine that the game was built from. Another bad aspect of the game is the timing and priority of events. To continue with the main quest, you have to work through small areas, running around in circles all over that area finishing badly written quests to progress. This aspect alongside the horrendous combat makes it a very weak game. The only thing appealing about this game is the backstory that the game is built around. If it did not have that or the Polish/Slavic art designs, history and mythology, it would be a disaster. I can't see why anybody actually believes this to be the best RPG or one of the best. It's good to try out but nowhere near one of the best.