One of, if not THE, best game I've ever played

User Rating: 10 | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC

In actuality, this game is rated 9.5, but Gamespot got rid of the .5 system. I bumped it up to 10 because a 9 does not do this game justice.

Honestly, I already knew Witcher 3 was going to be a great game. What I didn't know, however, was that it would become one, if not the, best games I've ever experienced. I was legitimately dumbfounded as I sat at the credits screen, 80 hours in, eager for a second playthrough. Few games have ever done this for me.

It was just too well done and complete. From stories, to side quests, to characters, to ambiance. Everything is amazing; 80 hours in, and I felt that maybe only 5 hours of it was 'padding', as opposed to a game like Dragon Age Inquisition, which, although long, contains maybe 50% padding. This is because Witcher 3 does a great job of making you feel like the side quests aren't really side quests. Instead of the Dragon Age copy/paste formula, Witcher makes each side quest feel unique in its own way.

And this doesn't even cover the main story, the lack of DRM, and the free DLC. Witcher 3 nails everything, and for every moment that I expect a corny or predictable outcome, the game avoids it at each and every turn. There are also multiple endings, which adds to the fulfillment of having a good ending, and adds to the frustration and depression of getting the bad ending(s).

The combat has been refined (for the better) from Witcher 2. Fighting feels more 'controlled and fair', and it's a delight to master. A good game plays nicely; a great game has a special something, but a truly fantastic game makes you feel emotions. For similar reasons, I loved Persona 3 FES. This game has 'less feels', but superior characters, atmosphere, and writing. As I said, I cannot give the game a 9.5 because of the rating system, but it really does fall there.

A fantastic, lengthy game well worth its price.