No time is wasted to get you captivated into the start of Season 2

User Rating: 8 | The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 1 - All That Remains PS3

Actual grade 8.5

I usually write my reviews in three main parts, Story, Presentation, and Gameplay, however the presentation, and gameplay are basically the same as they our in the previous season, and I did sort of mention them in my first season review, but because it was one of my first reviews it may not be that great but I just want to affirm that both are fantastic, their isn't a whole lot to express that I haven't already disclosed in my previous reviews so just take my word for it. This review will be based solely on the story because well... that's what Telltale does with their games, emphasizes their games on your decisions, so most of my review will focus on just that.

(Spoiler Alert)So basically the new season starts like this, Clementine meets up with whats believed to be those two people we saw at the end of season one, Christa, and Omid(obviously since they were the only known survivors of the group) it's been a while since last time and Christa is now pregnant with Omids baby, they choose to go into a bathroom to clean up and while Clementine is doing that she drops a bottle of water into one of the stalls, she leaves her bag with her gun near it to get the bottle of water in the stall to hear someone go into the bathroom, Her name is Michelle and she finds clementines gun and bag, she eventually finds clementine in the bathroom and threatens to shoot her if she doesn't give her everything she has got, while they are talking Omid comes in, assessing the situation he moves over slowly to stop Michelle but, as he gets near her the door shuts and makes a noise alerting Michelle, and in turn making her shoot and kill Omid, this makes Christa come into see the results, and then we hear that Michelle says it was an accident and she killed him from the shock of him coming in, Christa doesn't listen to a word and shoots her immediately to kill her. This is the start of the season and what a way to start it off. Now that Omid's dead it's just Christa and Clementine sixteen months from then. Christa is bitter towards Clementine for leaving her gun out like that and things our a bit rancorous between the two. Right now however they must focus on the fire so they can cook and feed themselves, but because it is so cold out, the flame is dying, so Christa decides to get more firewood, while she is out looking for some more Clementine hears shouting, and that's when Clementine realizes that Christa is being questioned by another group of people. This is when your first big decision of the episode comes into play, you can either try and save Christa or run away, this is not too hard of a decision for most and I went with the majority, to save her either choice you pick, will make the other group notice you making you fight and run away from these guy until you fall into a river and wake up on the shore, you walk into the woods to try and find Christa but can not and instead find a dog named Sam, you go along searching for food to find a can of beans and a knife after this it brings you to your second big decision. as you open the can of beans you have a choice to share with the dog or not it doesn't matter which you choose, because the dog will end up wanting all of it if you choose to give him some, so he will attack you viciously and you must either punch him, stab him, or hit him with a rock, clementine will knock him over a log and his body will end up getting pierced by a metal frame, he is in major pain and dying while he frantically is moving and panicking to stay alive, this is where your big decision comes into to play do you seek revenge on the dog and let him suffer till he dies or do you kill him right away so he doesn't have to suffer I went with the majority again and decided to kill him because while he was a total jerk to you. that doesn't mean he deserves to suffer when he is about to die. A hard decision but most people know what they would have done. After this Clementine is dizzy and in shock after that huge dog bite, she is having trouble walking and some walkers are closing in on her, part of another group finds her questions her about her arm but gives her the benefit of the doubt that it is only a dog bite once they get back to the group, they have a heated argument and one of the group members almost shoots Clementine out of fear, and after that they choose to decide to let Clementine stay locked in the shed until the morning to find out if she will turn or not and also because they do not want to waste supply's on her if she is just going to end up being turned into a walker. Clementine sneaks out to get the supply's and after she does and goes back into the shed a walker finds her through the hole in the shed, after a big fight Clementine kill it with a hammer and the group hears the noise and finds out what happens as they argue among themselves they decide to let Clementine in the house. and this is another big decision time, Nick apologize about almost accidentally shooting you, you can forgive him or decide not too, This isn't much of a big question but I chose to forgive him because I truly think he didn't mean too. The next day Clementine, Pete and Nick go on a fishing trip, they go out to the river, to find a ton of dead bodies on the shore, Pete says this is the work of someone named Carver, nothing much is told about him until later on in the season, Nick, Pete, and Clementine look for a clue who has done this, Clementine finds a body near her bag she used to have, once she approaches it she finds out that this man is barley, alive you have another big choice to make give him some water or refuse the water, I decided to give him the water in hopes that he would say something about Christa, however before he can say anything Pete and Nick are attacked by walkers you have another big choice to pick who you can help, Nick or Pete I chose Nick because if you look closely at the scene you can see that Pete got bitten so I thought it was too late for him anyways, sure I probably should have helped him but I though Nick would have died if I didn't The episode ends with Clementine with Nick or Pete running into the woods.

Overall This episode might not further much of the plot and it might not even have that hard of questions to answer but I found it interesting finding a new group and having things turn to hell for Clementine so quick. I liked the flow of this episode also not everything was too fast paced but was fast paced when it needed to be. Usually first episodes aren't that great because its just icing on the cake and it needs the cake to truly turn great but for a first episode this was pretty good and it had a lot happen for a first episode. I don't need to justify to anyone why you should buy the next season especially episode one, because this series is fantastic and everyone should play this.