A Return of Clementine, and The Harsh World of The Walking Dead

User Rating: 7 | The Walking Dead: Season Two Episode 1 - All That Remains PS3

The Walking Dead: Season 2 - Episode 1 - All That Remains is the new episode of the second season of episodic instalments like the first season of the Telltale game series last year. Clementine is back, and we all sorely missed her. Now however, we control her and from her point of view we see things. She is older, and more experienced in this harsh world growing out of the shell she was in with Lee in season 1.

Clementine is forced to find other survivors as those she was with disappear, and their fates are unknown. She comes across a new community of survivors, who at first are suspicious of her as she was bitten by a dog, yet they fear she was bitten by a Walker. Slowly as that is shown as not true, the community take Clementine in and she discovers other threats the group face from another group led by a man named Carver. New characters are introduced, and more decisions to be made. Perhaps being the first episode of the season, these decisions are not as hard-hitting as they were in the first season, yet. Given time, the decisions may become more heart-wrenching in later episodes.

The Good:

- The series returns for a new season, with Clementine at the forefront and you can warm to her already in this first episode, but have seen her grow up herself.

- Graphically not much has changed, same art style and design of the first season.

- Some decisions that do make you wonder, what is the best decision to make.

The Bad:

- Too short in duration, at just two hours or under which is short for such a price of £3,99 for the first episode of this season. However we all knew this would be the same situation, as the first season and it can be looked past as we did so last year.

- On the PS3, it seems to suffer heavily from frame rates and lag in cut-scenes and quick-action moments.

As the first episode of the new season of The Walking Dead game, it is a good enough addition and even though it doesn't really stack up to episodes of the first season as well, we still have four more episodes to come. I can see they will get better, and decisions will become as emotional as they did in season one. For £3.99 it is quite pricey, but as a fan of the series I look forward to the next episode and will pay it's price.