Frustratingly bad

User Rating: 4 | The Thrill of the Fight OQ
I bought this on OQ about a month ago and it has some decent features but when it comes to fighting opponents on harder difficulties I got more and more frustrated. Boxing has a couple of critical issues: blocking and punching. Blocking with the OQ means the headset had to be able to see the hand pieces so you must hold them away from your face meaning two things, you open up the side of your head to take punches and your arm reach is greatly reduced because you're already one third extended. When the hand pieces are too close they disappear so you can't punch or block. Your opponent will occasionally crowd you meaning you need to jump back. If you don't then the headset won't detect the hand pieces and you get battered. If you do you end up at the edge of or outside the boundary. Ridiculously I found the solution to be extending my arms and do flappy hands at the opponent's face while I move. You'll need to move a forwards and backwards a lot to overcome the reach issue and crowding. This game would benefit greatly from room mounted sensors as other VR units have. There are many other features such as speed ball, heavy bag, dummy and the dodge ball thing. Both speed ball and dodge ball thing are affected by a weird hand piece speed bug where striking the ball slowly can make the ball behave like it has been hit by Thanos. The dodge ball will go nuts. The speed ball I found nearly unusable. I found that with the fights I could put them on custom and turn the aggression down and this helps with the crowding issue. Turning the opponent into a passive punching bag was somewhat satisfying.