A great game that had the sad fate of begin released just after Dead to Rights

User Rating: 8.3 | The Thing XBOX
For most people who owned an X-Box it was a simple choice to get Dead to Rights over the Thing, most of the reviews were good but it simply flew under the radar and found its way very quickly into the bargin bin at most game stores. The Graphics are nothing too amazing even for the time, They are very well done for a title that was meant to be a "B" title but nothing ground breaking. The game itself even had some glitches in it, if you had members in your party at the end of an area before a video cut scene they would just vanish after the fact and you could continue alone, which I found to be annoying, especially when you are in dire need of a medic. The Story itself is even nothing special, its pretty well a story that loosely follows that movie and in generally a bring key A to door B sort of game. So why would I call it a great game? Because it adds a new aspect to gaming, and that was the sanity angle. The aspect of having people in your "party" that you require to repair panels or fix computers is nothing new but what makes it unique is that "The Thing" takes on human form so at any given time all four of your members could turn into the thing at any given time, and when you meet people for the first time they don't trust you because they think you may be the thing, so you have to hand them weapons and bullets or take a blood test to show you are not the thing in order to gain their trust and they will turn on you in a second if you do something "strange" The way your team reacts is also very interesting, they can get scared and start throwing up, or in one case upon entering a room that was covered in blood and body parts my teams started losing it so I left two members outside and took in one soldier and he went insane he started running around and freaking out and shooting till the rest of my team finally turned on him and took him out when he ran back into the hall. Micromanaging your teams is one of the best and most unique aspects of the game, and in a story like this it makes the game seem all the more interesting. This is one of the titles out there that is very much worth a pick up, -Z