The second pack is the winner but not the champion..

User Rating: 7.5 | The Sims 3: Ambitions PC
This is the second expansion for The Sims 3.

Ambitions is focused on life jobs, the game puts you into different job types called Proffesions. Proffessions are jobs in the game but you would have more direct control of the situations instead of a Sim staying inside an inaccessable building for a certain time.

The problem aside is that the previous core jobs that the The Sims 3 offered previously still remains the same. But the new proffesions and different type of gameplay with each one makes up for this.

There are proffesions like Fireman, Stylists, Investigator, Architect, Ghost Hunter and more.

There are new skills like Sculpture and Inventing. These new skills
have their benefits and rewards just like getting rewards from completing a Athletic Skill Challenge.

What makes this game so special is the type of items and gameplay it introduces. Laundry has finally arrived in the series, the laundry system in the game works just like in real life, you have a shower/bath then clothes will be laying on the floor near, then you would the dirty clothes in the washing machine e.c.t. Motorcycles are also introduced, this is an alternative to a car vehicle.

There are also loads of other new items like the Trampoline, new clothes, hairs, rewards. Build mode now has two new features; a roof slider and a column height resizer. The neirborhood options has been upgraded allowing players to change and add features to their neiborhood like trees, plants, grass.

Overal the expansion boast features towards the basic core game. This is why it does not feel like a big expansion like Nightlife. You will eventually notice all the new features as you play through. The expansion gives out more possibility to stories, movies and more. The only thing thats keeps this pack from lacking is the lack of relation between the core jobs and proffesions, if the core jobs were upgraded as well then this game would be more than we could imagined.

Still a good game but could of been much better if they concentrated on the core side that were behind..