Total letdown for the series. What were they thinking?

User Rating: 3.5 | The Sims 2 DS
The game just sucks. It's a rip-off version of The Sims 2. The Sims Bustin' Out for Game Boy was far more better than this.

The gameplay is nonsense. How can you be the hotel manager immediately? Also what sucks is you can't build houses or rooms.
You have to go through 3 bosses and crappy missions.

Frankie Fusilli
A gangster. He requests your penthouse and won't pay the bill. He requires you to improve the hotel and get Jimmy the Neck in. I would call the cops but there is nothing I could do. So to boot him out, you have to do missions like buying some room in the hotel.

That's the farthest I have gone.

At the end is a complete rip-off of Batman. You become "The Rattinator" and to do this, you have to have a mechanical skill of 5 but the float around at night (I think). So to do it easier (since the game takes place in real time), you would have to switch the time on the DS and then it's night. You have to battle through sevral robots and then it's over. But it's not over for the game because all you have finished is the missions. You still live there and greet and check out guests again and again FOREVER! I also heard of a stupid unlockable which is Mama Hogg's outfit. How is she the most important person in the game? It's you. But there could have been a better unlockable. That's all I have to say about the missions. There is also an object limiter which also sucks. And it's only in story mode! You can't also create familes which you can lousy create one sim at an exact age. I mean, what were they thinking?

Although it's a DS, it overall has bad 3D graphics.

Terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE! The music and sounds sound like they were made on a cell phone which is also extemely cheesy.

Overall Score
This is possible the second-worst Sims game in the series! Only working for a hotel, you have to live in a hotel and check in guests and 1 day later check them out! This video game overall sucks even though it's rated E+10. If you are to buy a Sims 2 game, but it for console execept for this AND Game Boy. I mainly prefer you get Sims 2 for PC! I hope when Sims 3 comes out for DS it won't be like this!

And those of you who think this game is far better than The Sims 2 on PC by saying "OMG!!! THIS IS THE BEST SIMS GAME EVER MADE!!! FAR BETTER THAN SIMS 3 ON PC!!!", maybe you shoud try The Sims 2 on PC.