I'm ashamed to admit I own it...

User Rating: 1.7 | The Simpsons: Road Rage GBA
I am REALLY ashamed at the fact that I own this. Don't make the same mistake as I did. save yourself some money. This is terrible. Horrible graphics, horrible gameplay, horrible sound, just plain horrible. Sure there is a ton of characters, but the game is so bad you probably won't be bothered to unlock one. Really, if you must play this but the home console version. It's so much better.

Graphics- 1/10- dire. The still image of the person you're taking to their destination is better than the game graphics. I've seen better graphics on Atari.

Gameplay-2/10 it is awful. It is just awful. It's like a very downgraded version of Crazy Taxi.

Sound-2/10- Awful tune and bad sound effects.

Value-1/10- It's so boring you will switch it off after one round. There is a lot of characters to unlock, but you'll never get them.

Really, if you MUST play it, then buy the home console version, which is a lot better, but still quite bad. Or avoid This game in every way and buy the better Crazy Taxi on a home console