Simpsons: Leave it on Fox, not your 360.

User Rating: 3 | The Simpsons Game X360
The Simpsons Game. It's basically what I expected: Not good. This game basically ruined The Simpsons as a whole for me. This has to be one of the most boring games I have ever played, and I had to apologize to my Xbox for feeding it something so bad. To be honest, the game was actually a little hard. In a bad way though. There is absolutely no instructions in the game. This causes it to be horribly boring, because you end up taking WAY too much time trying to finish an objective. I am not even half way through the game, and I am already thinking about throwing it away. I don't know why I even started to play it. TV games never turn out good for some reason. The gameplay is horrible, and the graphics are less than good, even though it isn't really supposed to look realistic at all. Also, the villains in the game are way to easy to punch out, making it boring and easy. The objectives are uncreative, and I am having trouble figuring out what went through to game team's mind when they made this game. Whatever you do - DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.