Why god, why?

User Rating: 1 | The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants GEN
The Sega Genesis was one of the coolest video games consoles that ever existed. With such classics as Sonic the Hedgehog, Golden Axe and Ristar you're bound to have a lot of childhood memories when you here the word 'Sega'. But whether or not you've played Bart VS The Space Mutants you probably will just want to ignore it completely after only two minutes playing it.
All you need to know is that Bart is jumping around Springfield painting purple objects red after aliens have landed whilst avoiding being hit by other aliens. Not only is it completely boring but the game is so badly designed that 99% of the time you WILL get hit by the aliens with Bart shouting "Eat my shorts, man" (which is the only pro I give since it gave me a good laugh).
I could go on and tell you how much I hate this game even more. However, I think it might be better if I give you some fun facts about the Simpsons;

When Matt Groening created Homer he applied his initials onto his head in a very subtle way. The jagged hair line makes the letter 'M' while the ear has a 'G' shape.
In 1992, a real-life family named the Simpsons filed a lawsuit against FOX for emotional damages resulting from the show. They recieved an out-of-court settlement of $7 million.
John Swartzwelder, writer of over 50 episodes, has not been seen in public in over eight years.
And according to voice actor Dan Castelleneta, "D'oh!" is a shortening of popular 1940s film star Oliver Hardy's anti-Semitic catchphrase, "Damn Jews, why won't they just go?!".

There, wasn't that more interesting then reading about how much I've loathed this game?