Brings me back to the glory coin-op days. Short lived though

User Rating: 5.5 | The Simpsons Arcade Game X360
I've been waiting for this game to be released since I played this in arcades 15+ years ago. It's a direct port for the arcade so you get what you pay for. But $10?! this should of been a 400MPP title but nothing sells for less than 800 these days unless it's on sale.

I literally played it twice. Once solo which was boring. Second with 4player co-op local with 4 controllers which was decent fun since everyone remembered this game.

It did bring back good memories but they could of stayed memories. Not worth full price but if on sale in future for 400 i'd say it's a good buy for co-op people. singleplayer is boring as hell.

I don't know what else to say to fill 800 characters on such a basic coin-op title. Nothing has changed. No graphic enchancements. Characters and bosses are the same.
