Monkey Island remade is a true treat for those who have never enjoyed sharp and witty fun and great revisit for fans!

User Rating: 8 | The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition PC
There are plenty of reviews out there and most are probably from fans from the original so there really is no need to say more why this is a classic. Rest assured this is not the typical game trend being released nowadays that require only the most basic coordination skills and reaction timing. If you plan to step into the Caribbean with Guybrush Threepwood, prepare to sharpen your wits along with your cutlass, and a feather to tickle your senses. Because the humor level is laugh out loud at some moments while other moments will you pause slightly before a smile or chuckle breaks out dawning comprehension. You actually need to "GET IT" with a exasperated "Ohhhhhhh!" to be able to advance the plot.
Monkey Island is suitable for kids who understand its humor. If kids understand it, they are probably old enough. A little slapstick humor never hurt anybody so you overly protective parents can take a breather with Monkey Island. If you insist on criticizing this game has animated animal cruelty towards monkeys or encourage demon worshipping black magic then you actually have other issues you should be addressing.

All in all, a great game and a bargain compared to many mainstream titles today. This game is a must for any collection!

In closing I would only like to say:

Now that we have brought back Monkey Island, its time to consider reviving Day of the Tentacle!