If you want an original third-person action game, look somewhere else...

User Rating: 5.7 | The Punisher PC
The Punisher really puzzles me. It appears to be original around every corner, yet fails to delivers after all is said and done. It's like someone's been talking in your ears for ages, then you ask him: "Are you talking to me?"

The punisher's gameplay has only one remarkable feature. Well, apart from the fact that the punisher himself can take a legion of bullets and still live on, he is able to perform gorish executions to hisenemies as well. The main gameplay is pretty much a cheap imitation of the excellent Max Payne. Nothing else really matters.

Graphically, the game overall seems dated, especially the environments. Character models look good though, but not that good.

The sound is really weak. Apart from the crappy voice overs (the only good ones are those taken directly from the comic series), the sound effects really don't add up.

Overall, if you can't wait to see the violent interrogations offered by the game, then rent this game. Otherwise, only a desperate die-hard would buy it.