review 25 and review 26 is goona be back to the future!!!

User Rating: 3 | The Punisher NES
omg its a ljn game.all of there games suck expect tandc surfing.
the 2nd one forget it.well this is goona be a short review because
im working on the the punisher for the nes is a 3d shooter
and its not that bad expect the music.also the graphics are awful
and so as me you shoot bad guys and collect
power ups and that's it?this don't make sense.there's no plot
like in mario you have to save the princess or in Zelda 1 you
have to save the princess or in mario 2 you have to beat a big
wart toad or doki doki panic you do the same thing.see but in
the punisher there's no just shoot people.what the heck
this world back in the day hum lets see November 1990 this
game was its not true that's impossible.why is this
game bad in fact why is ljn bad i mean it could of been good
if it was good.this is horrible like the movie horrible bosses.
i hated that's it and be sure to come back on October 21st
for back to the future on nes and tmnt for nes maybe?