The art and atmosphere in this game was beautiful. Not quite a "game", as much as innovative art.

User Rating: 7 | The Path PC
I was very interested of the concept of this game from the start. The music was pretty, the atmosphere and art was very nice. The "stories" that it told were cool in that they were meant to be taken in more ways than one. It more or less depended on the player's opinion to decide what the character's fate was. That open ended-ness left a good taste in my mouth.

As far as actual game play is concerned though, it got a bit tedious after a while (depending on if you wanted to chase after all the little golden coins or not). Sure, it was a nice nature walk, but there's only so much forest I want to see until I say "Okay, that's enough." It was also some what linear, yet it also wasn't. Either find the character's "wolf" or go straight home. But there was plenty of exploring to do.

Overall, interesting game (if you want to call it that). Nice graphics and they did a nice job with the stories. But probably not something I'd want to sit down and replay a million times.