I remember this. God how old am I?!?!?

User Rating: 7 | The Oregon Trail APL2
Go to the library and play this some ... then into a corner and read a nice book... an Elfquest book! Cutter where have you gone?!?!

Nerd all the way baby! And smarter than half the people on the planet!! Wait that would make my IQ like 5 then ...

Vicky has malaria! Funny stuff.

If you don't know you better ask somebody!

Just trying to fill up 100 words now. Gamespot knock this down to 50 or something!

I know I need something. How about a ham sandwich? Someone have a job for a 20-something in his prime? I have 2 cars and can get to work!

... is it over yet? Young bucks, go buy this game so you can waste your money on something besides ring tones! Mosquito ring tone my butt! I can here that a mile down the road!