Valve has truly made a gem here that has a little bit for everyone

User Rating: 9.5 | The Orange Box PC
Since there are 5 games I'm gonna do them in 5 short reviews.

Half Life 2: Well this was the first time I have ever played Half Life 2, I knew it was an extraordinary game but i didnt realize how much. Its amazing with the story taking just over 15 hours on medium it was hard to stop playing, i was so impressed with the art design and it still looks good for a couple year old game, this game is very amazing and it is a great.

Score- 9.5

Half Life 2: Episode 1- This is a fun game but is defiantly the weakest in the series and the box , it still is fun but it doesn't add to the series that much. I still had fun with it and i enjoyed it very much i just think that it could have been a bit longer (took me just over 6 hours) and could have a bit better story, none the less its still a very fun game.

Score- 8.0

Half Life 2: Episode 2- Now this is a huge improvement to Ep1. The story is just amazing and makes you want more. The Hunters are very fun to fight with Alyx. It was still short (bout 7 hours). The graphics have gotten a boost which makes it look spectacular. The achievements are very fun and this is just an amazing game. Probably the best in the HL2 series.


Portal- Now this is the game that took me by surprise. It is just wonderful, it has a great atmosphere and hilarious dialog. The puzzles are amazing and the ending is cool, you keep hearing "The Cake is a Lie" which makes you want to find out what is it so it keeps you at the edge of your seat the whole time. This is truly a fascinating game

Score- 9.5

Team Fortress 2- This is an awesome game, it is a very good multi player game which basically completes the orange box. It very fun with friends and just with random people around the world. The classes are unique and have different advantages which makes the game very intense. I'm still having lots of fun with this game.


So in conclusion this could possibly be the best deal in gaming history. All the games are great and i would probably buy them all separate. Valve has truly made a gem here that has a little bit for everyone, which makes this indescribable These games are great but in one box makes them amazing so i give this 9.5/10 just because it is such a great deal!