Only worthwhile for someone genuinely interested in learning to play the piano.

User Rating: 4.5 | The Miracle Piano Teaching System NES
Miracle piano was a well-meaning but misguided attempt by my parents to get me to learn the piano. I mean, they bought the associated keyboard and stand, ,moved the NES into a bigger room so I could learn in comfort, and were just too nice about it for me to not be suspicious. This game is basically Simon Says with a piano keyboard. The computer displays the key sequence and a little robot (?) thingy glides along a track and pressing the correct sequence keeps it from crashing. Woohoo.

The nice thing about this game is that you get a piano with 6 settings (synth, organ, something, something), which is fun to play with all by itself. Now that I am older, this game would probably be more fruitful. However, to give this game to a 8-18 year old would probably be a waste of money.