One of the best

User Rating: 9.2 | The Matrix Online PC
The Matrix Online, was my first MMORPG. Seeing to from the buggy days of beta, to present day I have seen a lot. The first thing that comes to mind, is of course, the martial arts. Being in martial arts myself, I find this to be a great to watch. Although after a long time of playing, the moves to seem familiar after a time, but not as bad as any other MMO where your person simply hits your enemy. The story is great as well, players are fun, but missions seems to be a bit repatious sometimes. ( but what MMORPG isn’t repetitive? ) The massive urban set city is great as well. Although all the interiors buildings are the same, the game does give you a feel of that you are in the matrix.
The Player vs. Player in this game does have its ups and downs. On a positive, being about to kick your opponents @$$ with amazing kung fu action is indeed rewarding. Although, no pvp ranking system yet to come such as World of warcraft, doest indeed leave you with to rewards. ( other than pride.)
If you are a big time matrix fan, or just want to give this game a shot, I highly recommend it.