awesome game and a must have for the LOTR fans. it offers you the chance to play the game as 3 different characters.

User Rating: 10 | The Lord of the Rings: War in the North PS3
i have spent hours on this game and i can honestly say the game was worth every penny.I highly recommend it and it will give hours of entertainment. However the game does get very repetitive and after a while quite much the same but even so it is the greatest Lord of the Rings game to be released. snowblind have done a great job of this game. In my opinion the best character in the game is either Beleram the Eagle or Eradan the Ranger as they bothoffer unique traits to the game. Although Beleram isn't playable,you can call on him most of the time to take on large foes or groups of smaller enemies. Eradan on the other hand is unique as he can use his bow to take out enemies from a distance quickly and quietly. You also get to go and meet new people and visit new places that are mentioned in the book but are not featured in the film trilogy,such as Radaghast, Beleram, Elladan and Elrohir and you can visit places like Mirkwood,The `Ettenmoors< Sarn Ford and Angmar. It is truly an amazing game