A fun, but completely standard side-scroller.

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings Trilogy MOBI
I will start off by saying that the game I played, sure doesn't look or sound like the game that was reviewed by Gamespot. I have a Motorola phone and the version I played of this game might be different than the version Gamespot played. With that in mind, here is my review:

Pros: A side-scrolling brawler in the 'Lord Of The Rings' universe; nice looking visuals; great preduction values; responsive controls; plenty of checkpoints and they are placed well throughout the levels; enemy AI is pretty good; has the theme music from the movies, which is always nice; cool little stealth power-up.

Cons: Way too short; you take some cheap hits from the flames on the ground; all of the enviroments have the same look and feel to them; it seemed like there were only two different kinds of enemies; there wasn't much variety in the gameplay; you can only use Aragorn in the game.