A must for all fans of the trilogy. Even those that do not like the movies will love it.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II PC
Well I think it is great to push in more games after the movies so that nobody forgets The Lord of The Rings trilogy, I sure have not forgotten one thing. This is a game that chess players would love due to the new war of the ring mode which can let you select from a number of different types of campaigns. Graphics slightly improve from the first Battle for Middle Earth but were is all the cool stuff that we saw like the detail of seeing an orc worker killing a beast in the slaughter houses and orcs cutting wood in the lumber mills, that is all the stuff that they left out of the new and left in the old.

When I was playing I did the truly common and major slow down in the big battled involving whole armies in one huge brawl. The sound tracks from the movies can be heard when playing as usual. Another great thing about this game is it's new selection of heroes, yeah of course you got all the oldies like Aragorn and Lurts but now you got the old yet new to the game selection like Sharku, Grima Wormtongue, Gloin, King Dain, Mouth of Sauron and more. Battle fields are truly enormous just like in the first game yet there are better and new ones to choose from in skirmish mode.

The beggining of a battle is quite boring yet sppeeds up and gets more exciting when the attackers start coming to your fortress. The new castle building system is very classy as you can now shape your own walls and the centre fortress of your base is now bigger and is attached to four arrow towers.