"WARNING: NO DIVING ALLOWED! SHALLOW GAME". Starfy makes Kirby look like Mortal Kombat...I barely see the comparison.

User Rating: 8 | Densetsu no Starfy: Taiketsu! Dire Kaizokudan DS
Besides the light hearted character design and having world maps, Starfy doesn't play anything close to Kirby. Kirby honestly kicks way more butt! However, that's not to say that Starfy isn't a quality platformer in its own right. The main issues that I have with the game is its slow pacing and irrelevant cut scenes. The game was a chore to play up until around World 7, then it really started to get good. If Starfy offered players the amount of abilities and storytelling that it did towards the end, then the game would be gold! Sure, the plot and characters can come off as really childish but that never stopped tons of other platformers from being really good and enjoyable games to play.

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Solid plaforming action
- Some pretty decent power up abilities
- Fun bonus post-game content to play
- Searching for hidden treasure can be fun
- The story isn't that bad once it unravels

What's Not-So-Good:

- The "cuteness" factor may drive older players away, not giving them the chance to actually experience the gamelay

- Most treasure you find is irrelevant

What's Bad:

- Very slow pacing. The game would have been more fun with access to many of the abilities you get later in the game

- Irrelevant cutscenes and conversations that don't do anything to move the story along

- Irrelevant characters

- Playing "dress up" with Starfy is just gay

In all, Starfy is a decent platformer but had the potential to be so much better. I don't think its fair to the Kirby franchise to compare it to Starfy as Kirby games are definately better. With a little "fine tweeking", Starfy can solidify its own success as a Nintendo franchise here in the US.