The corner stone of zelda games today. Best of its kind for its day and still playable today.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda NES
Classic is the word that comes to mind. I remember my buddy rented this game back in the day and man by the third dungeon this game was getting brutally hard. It had this neet feature that I had never seen before, the "save" feature. The first game that had breath taking graphics (yes, yes for its time), and a character you could build on. Trying to get all those heart containers was always a fun challenge. For such simple controls it still had good feel where you dodge arrows and rocks flying at you. Furthermore, the fact you had a whole second round after conquering it that was different and more challenging. I love you had to explore and while there is a linear nature in that you usually need the items from the previous level to advance; it took some real effort to find those levels. Today too many games are way to easy and take too little time and effort to conquer. The fact that they are still making zelda games today is a testament. This game deserves that 10 mark through and through. Cheers to link!