Not quite as bad as the CDI Zelda games, but close.

User Rating: 3 | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword WII
As someone who has played and loved Legend of Zelda games since he was 6, I have always looked forward to the next release. Every game, be it handheld or console, I would play it and 100% it. With the exception of the cdi games, and Skyward sword. I even put up with spirit tracks, which at least turned out to be decent.

This time, it hurt.

Re-using dungeons with minimal change:
You go through the first three dungeons, then you go through them again with altered colors and a "get hit once, you have to restart" penalty, then again to each one to find something.

Gimmicky yet imprecise Motion controls:

If you are going to make me swing my arms around like an idiot, at least reward it by doing the motion I made. Many a time would I swing left to right and the sword in game would slash at an angle, or even in the OPPOSITE direction of the motion I made.

The flying controls, for both the bird and the scarab were horrible, often finding myself turning my wrist in ways never intended by the structure. I would have to recalibrate so often that at one point i didn't even realize I was pressing the button any more.
I lost count of the times I thought "This would be so much easier with analog sticks."

Annoying characters:

Fi: Long winded and often popping up to tell you something that someone else told you not 5 seconds before, she earned my dislike with her percentages and interruptions.

Groose: A jerk. A liar. A thief. I pretty much disliked this guy in every way, and yet, he is one of the most prominent characters in the game, getting in your way. And you never get a chance to pop him one. Why is this guy allowed to be in a school for what seems to be the cops/safety officers in the world of Skyward Sword?

Even the story itself wasn't very engaging, with many things going unexplained.

Quite frankly, this game was disappointing in every way to me.

And it hurt.