Beautiful in every aspect of its design, Skyward Sword will have you thrilled every hour you spend on it.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword WII
At first, i was sceptic about this game, I've never had that much excitement about motion controls, and felt disappointed about hearing this game was being developed exclusively for the Wii, and not Wii U. Its easy to fall into the graphics complains, and its foolish, this game shows you why.
Ive played a lot of games. Very few have made me feel so happy. Its wonderful from beginning to end, with a gameplay beautifully designed for motion controls that made me feel like a fool for not believing they wold deliver. The experience is amazing and Game Spot is completely wrong saying its "unresponsive". Maybe they should check if they're not playing beside a window with full sun display, because if so, that would definitely confuse the Wii, If not, it works perfect. BTW, that would make them complete noobs.
The dungeons are amazingly clever and will make you proud for beating each one of them.
The story as amazing and told in a magnificent way, it WILL keep you in front of your TV for long periods. Expect girlfriend complains.
Graphics will mouthshut every person that dared to say it would look ugly because of its platform.
The game looks beautiful and although i would love to know what it would have looked like on a console with full graphics capacity for todays standards, the game has a much better and much more timeless graphics design than a lot of Playstation 360 games.

Faults: Some buggy animations on Fi. A pair of some overly childish designs.

Conclusion, this game is one of the best games i have ever played, and maybe the best Zelda Experience I've had.

Score: 9.8

If you want to know some of my favorite games for the taste reference, these are my top games:

Mass Effect 1 and 2... Hope 3!
Zelda Wind Waked
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Tales of Symphonia
Red Dead Redemption
Gears of War 1, 3.
Assassins Creed 2
Chrono Trigger
Shadow of the Colossus
Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3, 4
Street Fighter 4