I don't always write reviews. But when I do, it's because the game blew my mind.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword WII
Hands-down one of the best games ever made. It is not the best Zelda ever made, I think the best Zelda is Ocarina of Time since the leap Nintendo jumped from Link's Awakening to OoT was way larger.

That said, Zelda Skyward Sword is one of the most immersive, beautiful, and innovative I have ever had the pleasure to play.

The first 2 things you will notice is the the art direction and the music, which are nothing less than a work of art. It is true that the Wii has it's hardware limitations but to actually use that as a strength making Link look better than ever...brilliant. Everything from a distance looks like it was hand painted with watercolors. Then the wonderful score arranged and composed by Koji Kondo.... I could literally stay at the menu just listening to the fairy song fully orchestrated. The music is superb; it's safe to say that it is the best game music ever.

Story: I never felt so close to Zelda before. In this one, you really feel a relationship between the two and even better, you have never felt the need this badly to rescue her.

Gameplay and controls are spot-on as usual. Choosing your items is very easy and the wii mote plus responds perfectly to the movement of your hand. Obviously if you swing your hand like crazy, the mote plus will not respond perfectly but that's a good thing since the fight system has been improved to actually feel like a sword battle. If you were a knight facing dangerous enemies you wouldn't swing your sword like crazy....no... you would plan your moves ahead, you would take a step back and think your strategy; enemies are surprisingly smart in this iteration of Zelda.

Dungeon design.... sublime as ever.

and needless to say... Are you still reading this??? GO PLAY THE GAME!!!

Oh my brothers... You are in for a treat.