The best Zelda of all time? don't listen to the trolls about the controls, they work fantastic!!, you'll enjoy it!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword WII
A really cool game, the best Zelda of all time? Is up to everyone, like the Beatles records, each Zelda game has it own merits and fans, so is hard to decide which is the best. The Graphics are really cool, they look great on the Wii but at the same time wanting to have in the near future a port on HD, it would be even more beautiful. Many people are complaining about the controls, but I hadn't had any trouble with them. Like in recent entries (Wind Waker and Twilight Princess) the personalities of the caracters are really well done, you actually feel that you know them, the new Zelda (the girl) is perhaps the best Zelda yet. I felt than the game start a little slower than other entries, but sooner than later this game is soaring high. Hopefully this is not the last great game on the wii. Buy it, Play it, Enjoy it…