What isn't perfect about this game? It contains 4 classics that I would give each individually a perfect 10.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition GC
A game for the gamcube with The legend of zelda, The legend of zelda 2 links adventure, Ocarina of Time, and majoras mask, where can you go wrong. any zelda fan rejoice. This is also great for people who never got to play the originals.

The good:You got four classics. On one disc. The sound is spectacular. It's unchanged from the other versions pretty much but man I love the music. Can't complain about the graphics. They are also unchanged.

The bad: Moving on the first and second zelda can be kind of annoying. Using the analog or the control pad it's still bad. Every now and then while playing Majoras mask the sound will be a little bit..weird. I guess this happened when making the port of the original one that was for N64, to gamecube.

A must have for any gamecube owner. Great if you've never played the games or even if you have. The games are pretty much untouched from the originals, so don't be expecting any big changes, but expect the games to be just as amazing as they were back then.