if ocarina of time is perfect and you add the zelda 1, 2, and majora's mask then you have beyond perfection.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition GC
I dont' have to say anymore then what I said in the intro. But I will anyway. the first zelda was groundbreaking, the second zelda was the blacksheep of the series. ocarina was the series jewel and majoras mask was the sequal to the that jewel. I don't have it but when it see it the game is mine. does that sum it up? I still remember in 1986 when I first got zelda for chirstmas, there was nothing quite like it the game because had so much depth and the scale of it was huge. I spent hour trying to find every nook and cranny it was a dream to play. Now there's a collection of four games tht defined the action RPG genre this is a must buy.