One in a life time

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild NS
this review saying stuff YOU MOST KNOW before you buy Legend of Zelda breath of the wild [not spoilers] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- •The first two hours of the game are more like a tutorial so be patient because the start is maybe the last fun part of the game •To finnish the game it will take around 100 hours so if you have the time i recommend buying this game and if you don't have a lot of time you can try playing it two hours a day •you don't have to play any other Legend of zelda games to understand this game because the story is different and not related to any of the other game in the series •When you will open the game for your first time the game will ask you what difficulty you want so don't press without thinking because after you choose your difficulty you CAN'T change it ever again (in all the users in the Nintendo switch not only the user you are playing) •It best to play the game on TV alone to get the best experience possible And that it, have fun!!!? ********************************************** [This review made by the user Evyatar213 so if you want more reviews like this one look for the user name in other games reviews] **********************************************