The first Zelda I played is one of the best games I ever played

User Rating: 10 | Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce SNES
The Good- Nice graphics for its time, Great music especially the dark world theme, Tons of weapons and the introduction of the master sword and the hookshot, Good puzzles, Going between the light and dark world is a great idea that inspired other great games to use that like Metroid Prime 2, You can swing in more directions then the first Zelda and move diagonally, Good stoty like most Zeldas, Plenty of dungeons each with its won weapon and a boss to face, Good boss battles, Good lasting appeal, Side missions like upgrading your master sword and heart pieces to find, Huge world to explore

The Bad- You can get lost trying to figure out what to do sometimes, It kinda easy but there are challenging parts

I own every console Zelda from Zelda 1 to Twilight Princess and I think this is the second best in the series only behind Ocarina Of Time.