The SSS work to secure their homeland in this epilogue to the Crossbell arc!!

User Rating: 8 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (Deluxe Edition) PS4

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure Review (PS4)

"Hot off the release of the prologue story, Trails From Zero, which saw Lloyd Bannings and his new group of co-workers (the Special Support Section aka SSS) team up to uncover the corrupt and evil figures lurking in the shadows of their beloved hometown of Crossbell, this 2nd half of the Crossbell arc is just as memorable as the first. Trails From Zero came out about 6 or 7 months prior to this release, and despite the same character models from the first game being copied to this title as well as the locations, there is enough new here to warrant attention. The only complaint I really have is the decision not to include the same amount of attention as the Switch release got. But for those who always wondered who these guys were and what happened in Crossbell from playing the Trails of Cold Steel games, there is no better time to experience the SSS's story than now with both games FINALLY being localized for the first time in the west."

"Like I said before, alot of the first games content was just copied and plastered onto this game as well such as the character sprites & most of the locales you will visit all look the same as well. That being said, there is still plenty of "new" here to satisfy anyone who is tired of roaming the streets of Crossbell the whole game. New faces will be playable this time around and the latter half of this entry allows players to freely roam and travel quickly to and fro wherever they so please."

"Trails To Azure begins a few weeks after the events of the first game, and continues to focus on the bonds the SSS share with one another as they build their trust and comraderie. KeA is still the center of their world and they remain determined to keep her safe and hope to one day find out where she came from and how. This time, instead of a cult & mafia posing the most imminent threat on the well-being of our group, the threat of a war breaking out between their neighboring countries over who gets control of Crossbell is the most feared. And with Zemuria's very 1st International Trade Conference coming up and set to take place in Crossbell itself, the stage seems to be set for a powder keg. Not to mention the fact that in attendance will be not only Calvards President Rocksmith, but the psychotic Blood And Iron Chancellor, Gilliath Osbourne (ruler of Erebonia basically) as well as all the other nations leaders."

"The story begins with its focus mainly set on politics and flawed justice system in place. However, the 2nd half of the game becomes something even more, and the stakes do indeed get high. Not only are terrorists and foreign invaders becoming a thorn in the side of Crossbell and it's citizens but expertly trained jaegers from Randy Orlando's dark past make their presence felt and the ever elusive Ouroboros society also make their moves silently in the shadows. It soon becomes clear to Lloyd and company that there must be a puppet master pulling the strings and calling the shots who has led Crossbell down this tumultous path it finds itself on. While i wont spoil anything for anyone, I will say that the big reveal won't surprise you as much as the first games villain reveal will (or it did not to me anyways)."

"There are new faces who join the ranks of the SSS this time around as well. While they were important in the last games storylines as well, this time they play a much larger role and actually become a part of the team and are playable. Noel Seeker of the CGF, and Wazy Hemisphere, the leader of the Testaments gang from Downtown District, both join the ranks of the SSS albeit temporarily. Still, it is a nice addition to the ranks in my opinion and both characters are very likable. You can't help but love the characters that accompany you throughout the entirety of the game and cant help but want to see the best occur for all of them. And not only are there new members joining the SSS, but this time your options for travel open up quite a bit from the previous game. Mishelam Wonderland and its beach not to mention all the stores and attractions are featured this time around, and there are several other new locations you will get to see. Another new mini game inlcuded is the debut of Pom Party, which players may recognize from the Cold Steel games. This is where Pom started and while it is not featured heavily, there is a nice surprise in store for whoever manages to track down all the players and best them in one on one matches."

"While the main story DOES answer a lot of the unanswered questions that leave you wondering from the first game, this game also INTRODUCES a few that never get properly addressed as well. For instance, Lloyd is able to come to terms with the facts behind his brother's death and who is responsible, but in wrapping all these plots together, a few new mysteries pop up in their place that never get fully resolved or explained. One thing I found very cool is the amount of detail the developers clearly put in each and every game. A fine example of this actually is how consistent the story telling and lore aspects of the saga are. Ok, so, I played Trails of Cold Steel long before I had ever heard of these games despite these games being much older than the Cold Steel games. If anyone has ever played those before, then you will surely remember the cute Thors graduate & alumni, Towa Herschel. Well, the Cold Steel games make mention of the Trade Conference and Towa being able to accompany Giliath Osbourne and attend the event, and I was so surprised to see that even in these games when the event takes place, accompanying Erebonia's dignitaries is none other than Towa Herschel. I was amazed that despite the fact that there are so so many important characters being introduced and shown at that time in the game that the developers chose to include a character that is only a side character and one who does not hold any real significance to the main plot at all, but included her anyway due to the need to remain consistent with the story. It's amazing, this world of Zemuria, the history and the events, it is just on another level. And that is one area that not many game developers can compete with these guys on. I for one, appreciate these little details. This makes me look forward to the upcoming game, Trails Into Reverie even more!!"

"So, to sum it all up, this sequel is equal-parts as good as the predecessor. The Crossbell arc (for the most part) gets a proper ending and explanation and while I was left wanting to know a little more about a few characters fates, I was nonetheless satisfied at the amazing story and the captivating cast of characters that make this story that much more amazing. If you have not played any Trails games before but love RPG's with depth and lore for days, then you can find no better than this wonderful saga, the Legend of Heroes remaining one of the greatest to ever be made. There has never been a better time than now to experience the humble beginnings of the SSS!! A fantastic game!"