Fun at first, then repetitive and boring.

User Rating: 5.5 | The Incredible Hulk X360
It is just as the official reviewer describes it.

Fun, almost visceral at first, then very repetitive and extremely boring.*Extremely Boring* Add to that, a bad story line and forced cut scenes. Id like to end the review there, but it has to be at least 800 characters long. This is actually a filler sentence, written later to increase my character count.

I guess its worth mentioning that this game does include one interesting gameplay feature: Listening to Voice Mail - where you get to stare at an answering machine, while listening to a very badly acted voice mail.

Anyway, smashing stuff? Yes its fun to smash stuff. But it does get boring. There are some good things, like scaling the sides of buildings in leaps and bounds. Charging up jumps in a string is fun, especially going roof top to roof top.

But the good is not enough to make up for the bad. And oh yeah, the graphics kind of suck.