Ahh the good old days.

User Rating: 8 | The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return WII
I cans still remember playing this game at the arcade in Ocean city and it used to scare the hell out of me and give me nightmares. One day they got rid of it and I haven't been able to find it since...Until now.

I literally just got the Wii and this was the only game I found in the store I was in worth playing. First of all I didn't expect anything really to have changed graphic wise so I cannot base anything on that (back when they came out they were ahead of their time I feel). The horrible yet unique voice acting is still there and that's a good thing. Gameplay is very easy point and shoot when you see enemies but in this it can be a little shaky sometimes. The music is done well and sounds like it has a new vibe to it. One of my favorite things about this is the fact that you can just go to killing bosses in the second one.

The thing's I didn't really like were how much extra if any content you got and the price for this did seem a little to high. Overall a classic 8/10.