Trying too hard to mimic more childish platformers? Difficult enemies for a non-developmental character? Restart galore!

User Rating: 7.5 | The Hobbit PC
The Hobbit, for a 2003 platformer and a warp of the original console game, fulfills the most basic recipe
Nothing less.
Nothing more.
Vibrant colors, characters, settings, plot, and enemies make The Hobbit worth attempting-that much is clear. But be warned. Don't expect yourself to get far as you'll soon find out that this amusing but frustrating adventure requires some concentration and infinite patience. Yet, as stated, play this game only if you bought it cheap and are NOT a die-hard Middle-earthling. This game would be nothing--obviously--were it not for Tolkien. It is important to realize this because the makers of the game based almost everything off of the beloved author and added little of their own 'style' of gameplay. Since this is Gamespot, I'll just stick in here the relevant things. This game is as accurate as a goblin with its arrows. New characters and side-goals pop out of the blue and make you wonder how in the name of Gandalf is that related to the lore?
It doesn't.
The Hobbit is for young children. Period. 'Nuff said.
If you don't care, that's great. I didn't, but this did not make the game seem...well, connected, nevertheless.
And yet, on a final note: the style of the Legend of Zelda lingered in Bilbo's shadow instead as he swung about on ropes, collected Rupee-esque gems, and had hearts acting as his life pool.
Don't expect the same level of gameplay, however.