Battle an adventure through Tolkiens world once again.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Hobbit PS2
From the popular games Lord of the Rings based Tolkiens books and Peter Jacksons three films. Is about a story about a Hobbit called Bilbo Bagins a hobbit who ha no idea what lied ahead if him when Gandalf and thrieteen dwalf who reclaim thier stolen treasure from a legendary dragon called Smaug.
You play as Bilbo a journey based on puzzle-sloving,platform game its alot like Legen of Zelda but more cartooney but for younger kids you have three weapons in the game a trolls knife which is a sword,your walking stick and stones to fight monsters or slove puzzles. In the game you battl your way through menacing Orcs,goblins or spiders there are treasure chest to bee unlocked where you get items to slove puzzles or healing items you can also collect gems which if you have a full blue bar on the top left of the screen if its full you health increasese. You can also use the one ring where you can be invisible and sneak around enemies and gain skills and weapons to help on your quest at the en of each level you can buy things like a supply bag or upgrade your weapons skills with what ever sliver pennies you picked up on your quest. Its not the best game to play you'll probbey finish game probbley lss then a week.