Awesome game, fun and exciting

User Rating: 10 | The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy NES
The Flintstones: The rescue of Dino & Hoppy is a relatively new game for the NES, being released in 1992. It has good music, good gameplay and an amusing minigame playing basketball against different thugs in the neighbourhood.

You are Fred, and you wake up one morning to see the pets Dino and Hoppy being abducted by an evil professor in a time machine. You must find the parts for another time machine so you can travel to the future and get them back.

There are various levels you must complete and bosses to defeat in order to retreive the parts. Among the levels are underwater, a snow- and ice-covered world, dracula's castle and ultimately the future.

The game is fun to play, the levels are well constructed and you get to do a lot of different things. You have a couple of weapons to choose from, a slingshot and throwing axes to name some. The music is very basic with simple tunes, though very catchy and just right for the game.

The graphics are also good, colorful and good-looking.

If you have a NES this game should be in your collection.