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User Rating: 4.5 | The Fast and the Furious PSP
I think there is a game in here somewhere, but I can't get past all of these long loading screens.
I read every review I could find on this game before I bought it. They all mentioned that this game had some seriously long load times, but I never thought they would be this bad. It is so irritating.
The Fast and the Furious is an average street racing game, but the long and very frequent loading screens will drive you crazy! You will feel like life is passing you by. You will feel like your PSP battery is being wasted (energy is not free you know!) and while you're sitting there staring at the loading screen you will be thinking that your time could be better spent playing something else.
Even if you are a die hard fan of "The Fast and the Furious" movies, you probably still won't like this game. It's just not good enough. There are much better street racing games on the PSP. Sitting through long loading screens just to play an average racing game like this is not worth your time or money. Leave it in that bargain bin where it belongs. Your PSP battery will thank you.